11 Responses to Blogging Guidelines

  1. Achitophel says:

    This is really helpful thank you for making this.

  2. Aya says:

    I think that theses rules are very reasonable and now children will be able to know all the rules.

  3. Nhi says:

    Thank you for giving us advise for blogging.I hope people will listen to it and try doing it too.

  4. Tianah says:

    I think rules for the blog is really importanat so that you know what you should do and not do on the blog such as do not use slang because its hard to understand if other people would like to read it, so therefore you should not speak slang on the blog.

  5. Adam says:

    Thank you for this helpful imfomation and advise it is absolutely useful.

  6. Eren says:

    Thank you for this beautiful piece of information.

  7. Lola says:

    Thanks for giving us this piece of information and I hope everyone follows it! 😉

  8. sudhee says:

    thanks for giving me tips of how to write a blog.

  9. latifa says:

    thanks for giving us a hint on bloging but how do you blog again

  10. Destiny says:

    I think that was clear and it is so good that you have this rule so children will no what to do on this website. Thanks for giving this kind of information i really appreciate it

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