ewan running from a crocodile

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5 Responses to ewan running from a crocodile

  1. Christiaan says:

    A good start Ewan.
    I like the idea of you using pepper. The make the beginning part more exciting, I suggest you use powerful verbs.

    Mr Maree

  2. Zahira says:

    Very good Ewan. It was funny when you used the pepper. I suggest you check your spellings and don’t forget capital letter for I!!!!

  3. josiif says:

    Ewan you have some good sentence and you need to
    use full stops.

  4. GizemC says:

    Well done Ewan.
    I mainly liked the last part! I think the pepper part was really funny!
    I think you could improve your work by adding full stops and more adjectives. Other than that i thought it was great


  5. Alexia says:

    i agreed with mr.maree, also, i think make more description and ‘Show-me’
    words in the end

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