my best race car

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5 Responses to my best race car

  1. Matthew says:

    dear Kai

    I like your writing because it showed what you liked.

    But you could have evry thing the same coulour.

  2. mike says:


    I really liked your post it was interesting.So you like the x2014 well i like the bagetie viron5.I think that you should have spelt expensive right.Apart from that it was a good post.

  3. Kameren says:

    Dear kai
    well done i learnt alot about the fast car x2014 .The things I liked about your writing is you changed the the the type of font
    it would be better if you used more colour’s .

  4. NATALIA says:

    I think your writing is good, because you written what you like and then you written why. I think that you could improuve it by writing a little bit about your self.

  5. Norbert says:

    Dear Kai thanks for telling me about the x2014 i might get gran turismo just to see that car :),EBI with that type of writing you gotta make more than one space maybe 3 spaces.

    From Norbert

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