My hobby

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11 Responses to My hobby

  1. Abdullah says:

    Its very interesting and your passion is very significent in your life.If your spelling improved it would be perfect.

  2. Kolade says:

    I think this is a passionate post and you really belive in yourself.However you have spelt the players name wrong Falcow is spelt Falcao, Zalatan is Zlatan, is Ribiry is Ribery, Van Perci is Van Persie, Roben is Robben

    • Anonymous says:

      Dear kolade
      sorry for my spelling it was because I rushed it next time I will take my time and not rush but thanks for they advice

  3. Bilvi says:

    Good post about football.

    Next time look for spelling mistakes.

  4. Norbert says:

    Dear Kameren,I liked how you told them about yourself,EBI you wrote in smaller writing and wrote more than just names

    From Norbert

  5. ZIla says:

    Dear: Camren

    Your writing is good becouse it has the footballers name so i can understand who your talking about.
    Ohhh and even better if u left spaces.

  6. rashaad says:

    dear kam

    i liked your one because you wrote thing about football . I think to improve if you done spelling write.

  7. Kai s says:

    Dear Kameren,
    I really enjoyed your writing about your hobby about football. Althogh it had good info I highly recomend you that should of writen what team they’re on.

  8. Hisham says:

    Dear Kameren

    I like football as well as you.

    To improve your writing you could check your spellings

    from Hisham.

  9. Haydar says:

    Dear kameren
    you used footballers names
    good worck

  10. Shawn says:

    I like your style of writing.

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