A million miricle

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5 Responses to A million miricle

  1. sudhee says:

    Great story sameha, you used some great adjectives.

  2. Shawn says:

    WWW:Good connectives
    EBI:Add a couple more adj

  3. Alexia says:

    wow well done, Sameha! Very jolly well done maybe bring more words to make people want to read, more!

  4. Zahira says:

    This is a very good piece of work Sameha! Just remember capital letters for I!!!

  5. GizemC says:

    I really like how you added different types of puctuations

    next time try and add some questions like rhetorical ones.
    also check your spelling e.g Doctor, I

    other than that your story was really good!!


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