france bridge

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4 Responses to france bridge

  1. Agnieszka says:

    Your writing is very nice and descriptive.
    WWW. You used adverbs. E.g. Easily
    EBI. Instead of using just adjectives, use a simile. E.g. The bridge is as rusty as an old car engine.

    Overall, I really liked your piece. It was very descriptive 😉

  2. sibel says:

    WOUNDERFUL PEASE you’ve used lots of adjectives.

    Are you sure the brige small.

  3. alexa says:

    Fantastic adjectives and adverbs!

  4. latifa says:

    well done you did some good work but please check your spellings like easylly which is easily and also your capital letter an apostrophes are in the wrong place but over all it was good 🙂

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