The amazing bridge in France

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18 Responses to The amazing bridge in France

  1. Hemish says:

    Wow really good adjectives .I am interested what will happens next about your fascinating story, I think it will be better if you put pictures that will be really good.

  2. Esra says:

    It was amazing you used good use of adjectives.I felt like I was there. It was very good next time use adverbs.

  3. gizem says:

    fantastic and fablous i loved it i have nothing to say because it is lovely

  4. LOLA says:

    I really liked your story. The story is really descriptive and I felt like I was there. Next time try and finish the story because it is left at a cliff hanger. But it is a great story.

  5. SHEIKH says:

    I like your description of the Avignon bridge.

    even better if you check your sentences because at the end you wrote as you go further upon the bridge it appears that the sky is touch the bridge.

  6. poppy-rose says:

    I really like when you did the bridge how you used adjectives

  7. NATHAN says:

    WWW:Great use of adjectives in the beginning of your story
    EBI: If you used even more adverbs/verbs

  8. Joshua says:

    Wow what a awesome piece of writing how you described the bridge was astonishing!!!!. 🙂 🙂 🙂
    the only thing was that at the end it don’t make sense i understand but some other people might but it was a master-piece. 🙂

  9. ROJIN1 says:

    Very good i loved it
    Underneath the water shines like a disco balls it was my favorite part
    great use of Adjectives

  10. memik says:

    i liked when you used loads adjective about the bridge and the water the best think i like the most is when you wrote the waters are like disco balls

  11. RAYAN 11 says:

    I liked how you used lots of adjectives. E.g . beautiful, shiny, sparkles

    Even better if you checked if your sentence made sense and not rush it.

  12. ALTON says:

    Fantastic Latifa! It was amazing and also I loved your description of the weird bridge.
    What you could of done is that you could of added a bit more detail on the setting!!

  13. Jake says:

    I really like your description like old,ancient,rusty Bridge! Maybe you could describe the bridge a bit more like the colour of the bridge. Like the brown dull Bridge!

  14. GRESA says:

    Well done Latifa go girl your piece of writing is interesting because you described the bridge. It would be better if you checked your punctuation and tell us what there was around. <3

  15. Maria-Carla says:

    Well done Latifa!! 🙂 You have an amazing piece of writing. You have used lots of adjectives. Go Girl! It was really interesting.
    It would be nice if you had different punctuation and some adverbs.
    For example: ! and softly.

  16. ayuub... says:

    iIlike your use of adjectives,you could use some adverbs.use a dictionary to check your could use personification

  17. DOMINIK says:

    You have grate adjective and good spelling.

  18. Arda says:

    You used really good adjectives.I felt like i was in there.I have nothing to improve because its lovely!!!!

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