shopping fun day

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5 Responses to shopping fun day

  1. Aisha Nauzer says:

    Wow! i loved your story! It had a great moral at the end and you used lots of detail in your writing, well done!
    Maybe next time, check your writing to make sure it makes sense and check for any errors.
    Well done!

  2. Isobel says:

    This is a brilliant moral! You used some great connectives such as ‘after’. You could improve by only sticking to one tense.

  3. Maria-Carla says:

    I really loved your work Gres! It was fabulous! It would be more fabulous if you haven’t changed from 1st person to 2nd person. Continue writing fabulous work!! Best wishes Maria Carla!!! <3 🙂

  4. ROJIN1 says:

    This is a very nice writing Gresa it would be good if you added more adjectives other wise this is an good and amazing story well done

  5. Anonymous says:

    AMAZING Gresa. It is like my life I spend too much on clothes. but maybe you should try and use one tense and also not change from 1st person to 2nd person. But over all it was fab. Latifa

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