The Spooky Tall Man

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5 Responses to The Spooky Tall Man

  1. Valentina says:

    Dear Emre,

    You included lots of adjectives in your writing to grab the readers attention. Perhaps you could include an elipses in your writing, for example:
    He was black… he was tall…but I

    All the best with the next 100WC.


  2. niayla says:

    good adjectives and adverbs. by niayla in mandela

  3. Mrs Witley (team 100wc) says:

    Great 100 wc. You have described the forest so well I can imagine walking through the crunchy leaves. Keep up the good work.

  4. Mrs Winter Sharjah English School u.a.e. (Team100WC) says:

    Hi Emre,
    Wow, what a great and compelling story. I loved your use of descriptive words. Small tip for next time, review your story before you submit. If you manage to do this you will have an opportunity of spotting any spelling or puntuation wrrors. Fabulous story, I look forward to reading more from you 🙂

  5. Mrs Williams team 100 UK says:

    Wow, what fantastically descriptive sentences. You have used a range of adjectives, adverbs and connectives. You have obviously been listening very hard in class! Keep up the good work.

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